5 Steps to Go Clean

Going from a toxic, mainstream lifestyle to a clean, more organic one doesn’t happen overnight.  It’s been a journey that’s taken place over many years. It takes time to rid oneself of the chemicals that are so prevalent in our everyday lives.

I wouldn’t recommend trying to do it all at once.  I’ve seen people attempt this and it just brings unnecessary stress (which is also unhealthy). Yes, zero toxins are best, but every step you make will bring you closer to that goal.

1. Check out organic food options

Some foods are more vulnerable to pesticides and full of steroids than others.  I try to buy my meat and milk organically as much as possible.  Fortunately, many mainstream grocery stores now carry this option. This is a good first step.

I also try to buy these 12 fruits and vegetables (the “dirty dozen”) organically as well because their skins are more susceptible to chemical penetration than those with thicker skins: apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, peppers, nectarines, cucumber, tomatoes, snap peas, potatoes, hot peppers, and blueberries.

2.   Start reading labels

Take a screen shot or download this pdf so that you can have a list of the most toxic ingredients found in beauty, body, and household products.  It’s hard to remember all of their big names.

Start with the products in your home: check out their ingredients and start swapping them out.  If you feel overwhelmed, just focus on a genre.  Begin with lotions, move onto hair products, then onto household.  Once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier.

3.   Swap Out Plastic for Glass

Plastics have come under the magnifying glass in the last few years for all of the toxins that they release into our food and into our home.  One positive step has been the introduction of BPA-free plastics, but the alternative plastics are not totally safe either.

Glass is the best option out there for storing foods and other perishable items.  Start slowly, buying one or two containers as you go and in time, your entire collection will be glass.

4.   Educate Yourself

Nowadays, much research has been done on the harmful effect of toxins in our lives.

The Human Experiment is a documentary on Netflix that exposes the dangerous, hidden chemicals in our everyday items.  Here’s what they have to say about it: “With thousands of untested chemicals in our everyday products, have we all become unwitting guinea pigs in one giant human experiment? The fight is on to protect us from these toxic products before they cause irrevocable harm to our health.”

Another good organization to follow is Environmental Working Group.  From their website: “EWG has established the Kid-Safe Chemicals Interactive Magazine as an online science information and discussion forum to foster an exchange of ideas for reforming the nation’s toxic chemicals policies. The site will feature articles by scientists, lawmakers, regulators, industry officials, community activists, policy analysts, journalists and others interested in environmental health issues.”

5.   Make it Fun

Going clean can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to!  Try to make it fun as you go.  Check out your local Farmer’s Markets once a month in place of the grocery store.  Buy some fun glass containers and pretty toxin-free beauty products.

Join some groups on Facebook that are specifically for learning how to live an organic or non-toxic lifestyle.  Learn from others and ask questions.  There are many that have been living this way for decades and can offer lots of helpful tips.  There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel!

Just remember that completely revamping your lifestyle from toxic to clean will take time.  Take it step by step and day by day.  It’s normal to go through waves of anger and fear as you discover some of the harmful effects of these toxic chemicals and how little has been done to protect us, but the future is looking up as many groups are working towards getting the laws changed.

Try not to dwell on all that you haven’t done yet. Just keep working towards your goal of living a clean and healthy life!

If you’d like a free copy of my Big List of Clean & Easy Swaps for the Most Toxic Products in Your Life, click here!SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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